The Illiterate Man

My first years were spent behind the shutters, in a room without engravings, in an archaeological silence a thousand years in the making... More

Flower Sedan

Of course, Mother assumed I was a virgin. She insisted I ride the flower sedan, that I was not to miss out on a prerogative so cherished. More


do ghosts remember? which ones do? which / ones don’t? and if they do, which organ // might they use? More

Dark Love

The car is heated by the afternoon sun, and I, pervaded through and through by a pain known as love, I don’t know it because I’m twelve, and so… More

Juana I

What I need is a mouth. / I need a mouth the enamel of teeth your saliva. / Blood stops flowing to your lips. / I kiss the air,… More

Book of Minutes

I open the dresser drawer and find the definition of tenderness under the letter h: handkerchiefs with embroidered initials, lavender scent, well-pressed and folded in quarters, the way light… More

Captain Kidd

The art of the biographer consists specifically in choice. He is not meant to worry about speaking truth; he must create human characteristics amidst the chaos. More

The Payback

The chief secured their door with a padlock, put the key in his pocket, and signaled to the peasant driver to get moving. When they reached the bridge, silhouettes… More