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PEN America Florida

Who We Are

PEN America’s Miami office was established in 2023 to address the rampant free expression infringements in Florida. The Miami office works throughout the state of Florida to secure academic freedom and free expression and celebrate the written word without censorship. PEN America Florida expands the organization’s footprint, equipping it to advance free expression policy priorities in a state that is leading the country in efforts to curtail free speech and expression.

Florida overtook Texas during the last school year by banning more books in public school classrooms and libraries than any other state, according to PEN America’s data. Florida now ranks first in the nation and accounts for more than 40% of all documented bans. The state’s speech-constricting laws, policies, and book bans have become a template for conservative activists and lawmakers behind the movement that has led to nearly 6,000 instances of book bans since 2021. Books about race and by authors of color, along with topics focused on sexual orientation and gender are most frequently ripped from shelves, robbing students of the diversity of ideas and perspectives they need in a pluralistic society.

PEN America has been at the forefront of documenting and defending against this spreading censorship—unseen since the 1950s McCarthy-era Red Scare. The PEN America Florida office will allow the organization to expand this work to ensure that Florida is a bastion of free expression and academic freedom.

Our Impact

The PEN America Florida office works on multiple fronts to launch advocacy strategies across the state to not only counter the Florida legislature’s attempts to impede First Amendment freedoms, but also seeks to affirmatively secure Florida as a home to free expression and robust academic excellence. 

The PEN America Florida team applies legal advocacy, policy and legislative initiatives, and community organizing to move the needle in Florida. The team approaches this work understanding that Florida is being used as a blueprint for censorious extremism across the country. Our mission is to change this trajectory and ensure that Florida serves as an example not of extremism but of freedom and democracy.

Support Our Florida Work

Unified Voices Summit Social Graphic With Headshots (720 X 480 Px)

Unified Voices Summit

We are coming together for the first annual Unified Voices Summit: Protecting Educational Freedom in Florida to celebrate our educators, protect public education, and speak out in one voice to defend our rights of free speech and free expression. We will unite to end education censorship and book bans, and to support our teachers, public education and our core constitutional liberties.

We will convene in Orlando, Florida on July 12-13th, 2024.


Cracks In The Facade Featured Image

Our Research

This white paper will explore how Florida arrived at this place; the first signs of progress in reversing this rights rollback; and where we can hope and expect Florida to go from here


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Florida’s policies and legislative proposals have been picked up and replicated around the nation, providing a governance blueprint for how to suppress large portions of Americans’ speech in the name of prosecuting the new culture war.



PEN America Helps Win Victories Against Censorship in Florida’s 2024 Legislative Session

PEN America Helps Win Victories Against Censorship in Florida’s 2024 Legislative Session

PEN America had a direct hand in making sure several Florida “culture war” bills failed without becoming law, keeping censorship from infringing on free speech and free expression.
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PEN America Florida's Legislative Priorities 2024

PEN America Florida's Legislative Priorities 2024

These bills would further undermine basic Constitutional rights, a trend that PEN America is fighting in federal court through its lawsuit on book bans against Escambia County.
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PEN America v. Escambia County School District

PEN America v. Escambia County School District

This lawsuit brings together authors whose books have been banned and parents and students in the district who cannot access the books in a first of its kind challenge to unlawful censorship.
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News & Commentary

Unified Voices Summit in Florida: Educators, Authors, Faith Leaders and Activists Organize for the Right to Read

July 3, 2024
The Unified Voices Summit July 12-13 brings together authors, educators, students, teacher’s unions, faith leaders, and activists from across the state to solidify and mobilize the growing grassroots movement against censorship in schools. 

Slashing All Arts and Culture Funding in Florida Will Stifle Free/Creative Expression

June 25, 2024
“A state with an emaciated arts sphere, where books are already banned and classroom dialogue is stifled, is one that is in danger of abandoning freedom of expression altogether,” said Katie Blankenship, director of PEN America’s Florida office. ”DeSantis is taking his war on culture to a new level. This decision will not only devastate the arts but add to his legacy of censorship and disregard for art, literature, and knowledge.”

Disproportionate Use of Force Against Peaceful Student Protesters in Florida Cannot Stand, Coalition Says

May 22, 2024
Katie Blankenship, director of PEN America Florida, said: “Student protests on Florida campuses have rarely been met with this level of unnecessary hostility and violence. Even when it involves civil disobedience, peaceful protest should be met with a proportional response that does not physically harm students or suppress their constitutionally protected speech. Under a governor who has incited hostility towards peaceful student demonstrators and called for their expulsion, the actions of many Florida universities have been worrisome and dangerous, posing  risk to student and faculty safety. We hope the SUS will take our response as an opportunity for productive conversation about how to protect all students and their free speech rights.”
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Join Us

Free to Be Florida is a statewide network of parents, teachers, students, and public interest organizations who believe Florida’s children deserve a safe learning environment free from government overreach and censorship. 

The network seeks to not only build community engagement to fight back against censorship and discrimination in Florida, but also brings individuals and groups together across the state to collaborate and effectuate state-wide strategies.