Cinelle Barnes

The PEN Ten with Cinelle Barnes

We all already know that it is important to use literary techniques in creative nonfiction for the sole purpose of delivering facts, but I think as a collective, we… More

Hisham Marwan

The PEN Ten with Marwan Hisham

I think misinformation, which we now see can lead to certain misconceptions and stereotypes, is the greatest threat to freedom of expression. People take many things for granted now and leave only… More

Leslie Jamison

The PEN Ten with Leslie Jamison

I’m also actively resisting both hopelessness and complacency—as well as the belief that art is irrelevant in politically troubled times. More

The PEN Ten with Marcus Wicker

There will always be a special place in my heart for those of us who find ways to express our beliefs and life obsessions absent of politics and megaphones... More

The PEN Ten with Mychal Denzel Smith

What we are compelled to believe is based on our relationship to power…my work navigates truth by understanding it as a struggle to reshape power. More

The PEN Ten with Kamilah Aisha Moon

Facts seem immutable, but they are used to construct reality and serve experience, which varies so widely and seems inextricably tied to what one believes. More