Search Results for: PEN TEN

The PEN Ten with Achy Obejas

"My most recurrent images involve water, and specifically, our rescue in the Straits of Florida when we escaped from Cuba: our small wooden fishing boat up against a giant… More

The PEN Ten with Rob Spillman

"I do believe there is a collective purpose to telling the stories that people know to be true, but that they have not yet been able to articulate, or… More

The PEN Ten with Andrew Malan Milward

"That’s one of the interesting ironies of being a writer: It’s something you do in isolation and yet it’s something that connects to and unites, not only other writers… More

The PEN Ten with Sonia Guiñansaca

"Erasure happens when it comes to the history/lives/contribution/resistance/survival of people of color in America, and so with my pen I make sure that they exist and are remembered in… More

The PEN Ten with Dunya Mikhail

"When I came to America, I found that censorship had no home on the ground, but it was somehow in the air, implicit. Speech here is usually restricted to… More

The PEN Ten with Stephanie Kuehn

"...there are plenty of adults who feel young adult literature requires hope. I feel differently, which goes back to truth-telling. I believe teens deserve uncomfortable truths." More

The PEN Ten with Ben H. Winters

"Fiction is built out of the day-to-day stuff of life, words and people and events, but it’s different and it’s meant to be different. So our collective purpose is… More

The PEN Ten with Ian Buruma

As far as writing is concerned I am obsessed by clarity, which can be a weakness. Great art must leave room for ambiguity, even mystery. More