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PEN America produces a breadth of interviews and features throughout the year. 

The PEN Ten Interviews • Pen Pals Prison Writing

The PEN Ten with Janet Peery

I would caution us to refrain from spending too much time in articulating [writers'] collective purpose for fear of leaching the blood out of the “uncontrollable mystery on the… More

The PEN Ten with Sarah Weinman

"I’ve said often that crime fiction in particular is an excellent vehicle for social commentary, because so much of what happens in society has some tie, or root,… More

The PEN Ten with Lauret Savoy

"Perhaps some might not think of this as censorship, but how a society remembers can’t be separated from how it wants to be remembered or from what it wishes… More

The PEN Ten with Philip Metres

"I think we Americans have to flip the question and ask, in what ways are we ourselves in a condition of carceral submission, surveilled and made docile? How much… More

The PEN Ten with Chaya Babu

"I think the responsibility of the writer is to interrogate their reality and the reality of what they see and then write that. I do believe there is collective… More

The PEN Ten with Brandon Caro

"In order for the world to function, we have to accept a certain level of falseness. It’s the responsibility of the writer to expose that falseness." More