Just As I As

if the other actors believe you’re the king… so I sang / alas, alas for you as “Him,” again, again at the strain of my range. / the King… More

I Hate Uniforms

The middle-aged men took me into the forest and took turns wagging their tongues at me, but I couldn’t see the snake tattoos on their backs. I just saw… More


I wonder what your house is like— / the path leading to your front door, / clothes drying on a balcony. / On TV I watch shows about travel… More

from Recollections of a Face

There was a slowness of heart. / There was swelling of lungs. / There were Latin terms for everything. / There was walking around in the ward. / There… More

from Motion Studies

They had struck gold; they had won the right to be forgotten. The ticket granted them that. All they had to do was sign on the dotted line and… More

Four Poems by Duriel E. Harris

"Harris's liberatory poetics move between text on the page, visual meanings, and sound meanings. It is in the last category where the poems chosen this month live, where they… More

Bee Alliance

this day was meant for something else / burn the barn / horses hate them / fuck the barn / fuck the rancher and his barbed wire / shake… More