GO is a coming-of-age novel that depicts the life of an ethnic Korean student living in Japan. WInner of Japan's Naoki Prize, it was adapted into a critically acclaimed… More

The Books of Jacob

Jennifer Croft is the recipient of a 2015 PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant for The Books of Jacob by Olga Tokarczuk, which was awarded the 2015 Nike Literature Award, Poland's… More

Cold Moons

Meg Matich, a recipient of a 2015 PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant, translates a collection of sparse, minimalistic ecopoetry by Icelandic poet Magnús Sigurðsson that deals with nature's resilience to… More

The PEN Ten with Achy Obejas

"My most recurrent images involve water, and specifically, our rescue in the Straits of Florida when we escaped from Cuba: our small wooden fishing boat up against a giant… More

The Last Word

Italian writer Erri De Luca reflects on his trial following his September 21 court appearance, with statements in both English and Italian. More

The Truffle Eye

Shadows rest on these benches / and you weep lion tears / and bite me with literary envy, / you bite down hard on my back More

The Gleaner Song

In pieces selected by the poet and translator from thirty years of published work, both East and West have been engaged, creating a landscape of the poet's extensive travels. More