The PEN Ten with Mat Johnson

"The attempt to destroy ideas is almost always futile, so censorship ultimately becomes less about controlling the ideas of the text, and more about performing a public act of… More

The PEN Ten with Nathan Deuel

When you've lived and worked in places where writing can get you killed, where the act of telling the truth can take down powers, it's hard to have anything… More

PEN Ten with Chris Abani

Writers and storytellers as a whole are curators of our common humanity. This is difficult because we curate not just the good, but also the bad, the totality that… More

The PEN Ten with Richard Nash

I'd beg the imprisoned writer to try to remember her teenaged self. The intensity, the outrage, the sentiment, the naïveté, the resentment, the joy. More

The PEN Ten with Rachel Rosenfelt

The PEN Ten is PEN America's new biweekly interview series curated by Lauren Cerand about writing, freedom of expression, and the notion of public intellectuals in the United States.… More