Flower Sedan

Of course, Mother assumed I was a virgin. She insisted I ride the flower sedan, that I was not to miss out on a prerogative so cherished. More


do ghosts remember? which ones do? which / ones don’t? and if they do, which organ // might they use? More

Dark Love

The car is heated by the afternoon sun, and I, pervaded through and through by a pain known as love, I don’t know it because I’m twelve, and so… More

Book of Minutes

I open the dresser drawer and find the definition of tenderness under the letter h: handkerchiefs with embroidered initials, lavender scent, well-pressed and folded in quarters, the way light… More


The first night at our house dressed in red like that, with her long black hair, with her shining black eyes, though one was bruised, I thought she’d start… More