Search Results for: Translation

The Truffle Eye

Shadows rest on these benches / and you weep lion tears / and bite me with literary envy, / you bite down hard on my back More

The Mother

Yesterday the mother stood in court and explained that she had forgiven her son. No sooner were the wounds healed that he had dealt her, than she was setting… More

Bei Dao | Status: Displaced/In Exile | China

In 1989, Bei Dao was accused of helping to incite the events in Tiananmen Square, and was forced into exile from China. Since then, he has lived in seven… More

The Gleaner Song

In pieces selected by the poet and translator from thirty years of published work, both East and West have been engaged, creating a landscape of the poet's extensive travels. More

PEN Expert Available on Xi Jinping Visit

Suzanne Nossel, Executive Director of PEN American Center, is available for comment on the State Visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to the U.S. (September 23-28, 2015):Suzanne Nossel is… More