Search Results for: Translation

from Wûf

I walked and walked, but came across not a crumb of kindness to be my comfort. In the end I latched onto the tail of a pack… More

from A Parade

the cat is the perfect serendipity of a moment, ashy undulation, heavy sluggish eyes, a couple of idle legs and illusory smell, all of it strangely seductive… More

from I Didn’t Talk

Dances, kisses, claps: The homage my daughter made to the dead. Maybe in a park I wouldn’t be able to tolerate our daughter’s mockery, but on hallowed ground… More

from The Arab

It doesn’t matter how many times I tell her—she’s simply incapable of cooking just a few things when she has visitors. More

Douglas Grant Heise

Douglas Grant Heise is a literary translator who lives and works in Levanto, on the Italian Riviera. He is the recipient of the 2017 PEN Grant for the English… More