Search Results for: PEN TEN

The PEN Ten with Forrest Gander

Is the conscience the soul’s surveillance of the self? When are observations neutral? Does a writer, even without knowing, intend to “use” observations for the benefit of the writing… More

The PEN Ten with Sean Wilsey

Suddenly seeing myself as a writer-of-facts changed the way I looked at reality—so it was sort of a double-edged occasion. Guaranteed impediment to having a good time: knowing you'll… More

The PEN Ten with Jean Kwok

After hearing from readers who told me how the book touched and influenced them, I realized that what I say does have an impact. Of course, I need to… More

The PEN Ten with Harvey J. Kaye

My lifelong hero—ever since I was a boy—is Thomas Paine, the American Revolutionary and radical-democratic pamphleteer. I would love to be identified with his words, words such as “The… More

The PEN Ten with Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Fidel Castro as the measure of all things. Why is it that no Latin American writer, after almost a century of tradition with the so-called “novels of the dictator,”… More

The PEN Ten with Amanda Vaill

I'm still surprised to answer "I'm a writer" when people ask me what I do. I wrote as a child—pages of what we would probably call fan-fiction today, extensions… More

The PEN Ten with Michael F. Moore

As an interpreter I’m a bit of a stage mother, pushing the writer or director for whom I’m interpreting to jump into the conversation (Forza! Dai! Sfondi! I whisper).… More