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2015 PEN/Heim Translation Series

PEN American Center is excited to showcase the diverse projects awarded grants this year from the PEN/Heim Translation Fund. Each week through December, we’ll be featuring excerpts from each project and essays by the translators about what originally drew them to their projects and why these projects feel relevant now. The Fund, which awards grants of $2,000 to $4,000 to promote the publication and reception of translated world literature in English, received a record 226 applications this year spanning a wide array of languages of origin, including Mongolian, Icelandic, Czech, Hebrew, Portuguese, Japanese, and Awadhi/Bhojpuri Hindi.  

Since 2009, the Fund’s annual contribution for grant awards has been augmented by support from Amazon. 


GO is a coming-of-age novel that depicts the life of an ethnic Korean student living in Japan. WInner of Japan's Naoki Prize, it was adapted into a critically acclaimed… More

The Books of Jacob

Jennifer Croft is the recipient of a 2015 PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant for The Books of Jacob by Olga Tokarczuk, which was awarded the 2015 Nike Literature Award, Poland's… More

The Truffle Eye

Shadows rest on these benches / and you weep lion tears / and bite me with literary envy, / you bite down hard on my back More