PEN Poetry Series

Through 2019, the PEN Poetry Series published work by writers from all over the world. 

Four Poems by Jamaal May

To the mop, galvanized bucket, / sawdust, and push broom—the felled / tree it was cut from, dulled saw, blistered hand, // I offer my apologies. To the road.… More

Elegy with Crop-Duster

a great big nothingness happening / from field to canal / from canal to the fields beyond // power lines criss-crossing the formlessness of grief . . . The… More

Four Poems by Marc Rahe

I am a caretaker; / I worry from afar. // I worry a sore. // Where / do you go, after? // Between privacies is the dark / of… More

from A is for Addis

When I tell people about my impending trip, I try to avoid the word “Africa,” though I can’t explain why. I am struck by the timidity, the lack of… More

From Vivarium

Do I have another charge on earth? // Who else sees these pine limbs downed by lightning / branches quaking in thunder / needles thick on the forest floor?… More

From “Whereas”

WHEREAS I tire. Of my effort to match the effort of the statement: “Whereas Native Peoples and non-Native settlers engaged in numerous armed conflicts in which unfortunately, both took… More

Dawn, Third Shift

so much carnage, joy en bloc / you were struck by scalding water // light without warmth // comfort without pleasure / heaven poured gasoline over // what does… More