Cunt Norton

When you cunt a text, both texts are devoured, both are spit back up stunned by their new undulations, their hybridity an act of endurance and of disappearance, meanings… More

from L’Heure Bleue

When I say what I think, / someone always tells me they agree / or disagree, which ruins / the thought for me . . . // There’s a… More

A Kentucky of Mothers

God my poor real mom she would have died. // But people say her eyes contain a twinkle they believe in. When they see it they don't need a… More

Four Poems by Jamaal May

To the mop, galvanized bucket, / sawdust, and push broom—the felled / tree it was cut from, dulled saw, blistered hand, // I offer my apologies. To the road.… More

Elegy with Crop-Duster

a great big nothingness happening / from field to canal / from canal to the fields beyond // power lines criss-crossing the formlessness of grief . . . The… More