The Revolt of the Peasant Girls

Though the fathers and brothers and potential husbands who fought us and fell are entombed and their monuments decorated with cockscomb and digitalis, we wait for the earth to… More

Top Places to Breastfeed

Today I pumped in the Atlanta airport women’s restroom / At the sink while ppl walked past / And I wore one of those bras for hands free pumping… More

Went the Day Well?

He "died" "in the" battle, then fear / "And" sadness infected my milk / "My" baby "died," "on" "the" boardwalk / I "died" when "you" / Turned "your" car… More

Sea of Tranquility

No one refrains from repeating the gesture forever. / New York as seen from a plane / Writing its name in the sky. / What once appeared to be… More


All die, I’ll die / of breathing if I don’t die of holding someone / else’s breath, the downy vultures know; sunbathing // poor in Alexandrian authority offering /… More

from A Poem for Record Keepers

“Cut your losses,” said the Viking. / This is supposed to be fun. / But then your neighbor & her friend invite themselves in. / Ask if we’re having… More

2014 Literary Award Winners

View the 2014 PEN Literary Awards Ceremony Program herePEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize for Debut FictionGodforsaken Idaho (Little A/New Harvest), Shawn VestalPEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American FictionLouise ErdrichPEN/Bellwether… More