Ilham Tohti Sentenced to Life in Prison

A writer, scholar, and leader in Uyghur PEN, Ilham Tohti founded Uyghur Online, a forum for dialogue between China’s Muslim Uyghur minority and majority Han populations. He was arrested… More

This Week In Free Expression

It seems no one is free from the tightening noose on free expression. This week in free expression news, the U.S. joins China, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka in threats… More

China: What’s in a Law?

There seems to be a catch-all law for every form of speech the Chinese government finds disfavorable, despite the fact that China's constitution guarantees freedom of expression. More

The Transparent Chinese

Traditionally, privacy was not taken seriously in China. A traditional saying states, “nothing needs to be withheld from the people,” and that “the good will not be hidden, what… More