An Evening of Forbidden Books

Join Donald Barthelme, Richard Gilman, Thomas Gates, Jack Gilford, Richard Gilman, Andre Gregory, Margaret Hamilton, Nat Hentoff, Jamake Highwater, John Irving, Erica Jong, June Jordan, Toni Morrison, Grace Paley, Estelle… More

To Encounter Ocean Power

I can’t shake the image of young students—the gears of their minds at work—as they watch and take account, assess what it means to pull books from shelves, set… More

Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home

Books with any kind of diversity are disproportionately challenged versus books by and about straight white males. More

Why We Need Diverse LGBTQI Books

LGBTQI literature, while no longer taboo, still rests on uneasy ground in our school libraries. The tragedy, of course, is that young people are the ones who need these… More