Just As I As

if the other actors believe you’re the king… so I sang / alas, alas for you as “Him,” again, again at the strain of my range. / the King… More

I Hate Uniforms

The middle-aged men took me into the forest and took turns wagging their tongues at me, but I couldn’t see the snake tattoos on their backs. I just saw… More


I wonder what your house is like— / the path leading to your front door, / clothes drying on a balcony. / On TV I watch shows about travel… More

from Recollections of a Face

There was a slowness of heart. / There was swelling of lungs. / There were Latin terms for everything. / There was walking around in the ward. / There… More

The End of the Dark Era

Simon Wickhamsmith is the recipient of a 2015 PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant for his translation of a collection of poems by Mongolian poet Tseveendorjin Oidov. More

from Motion Studies

They had struck gold; they had won the right to be forgotten. The ticket granted them that. All they had to do was sign on the dotted line and… More