Opening Lines of Lolita

In this archival recording, James Mason reads from one of the most recognizable beginnings of twentieth-century literature.  More


The heroes pissed on the corner of the street under the thin moon. // He shouted loudly so we’d forget how for years he’d said nothing. More

Power to the People Requires Press Defense

We can do a better job of demonstrating how persistent journalism directly affects community change…here are a few ways reporters have used human stories to bring about substantive action. More

The PEN Ten with Carmen Agra Deedy

Respect the intelligence of young readers and never, ever, lie to them. They will love you for the former and crucify you should you ignore the latter. More

Adam Michnik on Revolution

One could say that every revolution has two phases. The first is very beautiful, it is the struggle for freedom. The second is horrible, it’s the struggle for power. More

The PEN Ten with Deborah Smith

I never discuss a translation while I’m working on it, because for me the author’s voice and intention are all there on the page. More