Roxane Gay on Diversity in Publishing

In anticipation of the 2018 PEN World Voices Festival, today we share a clip from the 2016 festival in which Hunger author Roxane Gay discusses issues of diversity in… More

Scott County Memories

Once, when I was living in Denver, my good friend Jon Pinnow became obsessed with the state of Kansas. . . . So we made plans to take a… More

The PEN Ten with Marcus Wicker

There will always be a special place in my heart for those of us who find ways to express our beliefs and life obsessions absent of politics and megaphones... More

That Night

Home is where I want to be. Pick me up and turn me round. I'm just an animal looking for home. Share the same space for a minute or… More

The M Word Stories: Jabeen Akhtar

We are not a monolith group of people. There are layers to us, complexity to our experiences and identities. There are practicing Muslims, secular Muslims, and people from the… More

Interrogating the Status Quo

In an era where powerful men are being toppled and long-held notions of “acceptable behavior” are changing, writers remind us that the rules governing language are also not free… More

The PEN Ten with Mychal Denzel Smith

What we are compelled to believe is based on our relationship to power…my work navigates truth by understanding it as a struggle to reshape power. More