from Rhapsodia

Do the wings itch as they sprout? / When from the belly’s opening / you first raised your head / and pushing from the pain / sprang into the… More

from Matisse

Vadya’s biography was as much invented as it was true. There were so many blown-out-of-proportion intricacies to remember that he’d long ago lost sight of the facts. More

from Beyond Babylon

They’d told her to go there and make no detours. Because that was where people refashioned their dreams. That was where people found all the Somalis again. More

from HOPE

On this island, rain falls as swiftly as the dark, as if some meteorological spirit had spoken a magic word; a prompter in the wings commands rain! and it… More

Lines Drawn

A series of illustrations, by parents and teachers, on negotiating the responsibility of caring for children in an era of continued school shootings. More


I asked the director of College Mental Health Services for advice on leading a classroom discussion on Parkland...  More