Letter to Europe

to see the web that your rivers / have created, like lines on the / palm of a hand. From these, fol- / lowing the Rhine and the /… More


There is yeast in the air as well / as sadness / I’ll lick the tears from / wherever they land / I just love / to get dressed… More


Having felt the world tremble / And having known // Ruth / In alien corn, / Exposed and at the mercy / Of masters— // Having seen / And… More

Axe Wound

Snatch. Slit. Box. Words were too dense now. They sat thick on tongues. You had to figure out the right way to say them or you’d choke. More

The PEN Ten with Je Banach

Writing may be courageous, but reading and speaking about what we read are also courageous acts. The discourse we create when we talk about books is daring just as… More


Wanted to tell you of the psychic witch who found my life with one eye / though we weren’t speaking then and here you’re dead. / I’ve put a… More