Gay Propaganda: Olga & Irina

What country are we living in and in what year, when priests bless half- drunk nationalists that pelt people with rocks while the police look on and then load… More

Gay Propaganda: Sergei

There wasn’t a single gay man among them. There were grown men next to me, who’d come down with delirium tremens, schizophrenia. That’s when I learned that madness is… More


All we did was move from our house to a stranger’s house, then one after another. Every so often an army officer yelled at us to keep heading south,… More

from L’Heure Bleue

When I say what I think, / someone always tells me they agree / or disagree, which ruins / the thought for me . . . // There’s a… More

The PEN Ten with emily m. danforth

I fear that it sounds too nicey-nice, too passive, which isn’t my intention—writers can and should agitate and expose and upset. But I still think there’s something there in… More