The PEN Ten with E. Tammy Kim

"Writers are people, so we have political responsibilities that zigzag across the globe. If we are good at our craft, we have the additional burden of conveying information and… More

Testimony Over Tape Recorder

I am the youngest. I am 85 and yesterday, / I was 15 in a military station; / my friends each dying, one by one; / and now I… More

The PEN Ten with Ash Parsons

"As a writer for young adults it is my responsibility to tell the truth about the things I know and which I remember. Sometimes that means shining a light… More

Dear Friend

"In 'Dear Friend,' Summer Pierre writes movingly about the meditative pleasures of a solo, mostly silent road trip." More

Scrambled Eggs

Plunder culture, culture plunder / Going into debt so as to be employable so as to slowly pay off that debt, or never, or having been born into it,… More


It was my job to kill rats. To tie rats inside a metal and leather machine that held them tight, still. To stick a cigarette in their knife-point… More

Primahood: Magenta

"Tyler Cohen is a pro at tackling the sticky subjects of gender identity, sexuality, motherhood, and what it means to be a girl." More