Gao Yu | Status: Continued Harassment | China

Accused of leaking state secrets, Chinese investigative journalist Gao Yu is serving a 5-year prison sentence despite serious health concerns. For now, she has been released from jail because… More

Ahmed Naji | Status: Displaced/In Exile | Egypt

Ahmed Naji was temporarily released from prison in Egypt on December 22, 2016, after his two-year prison sentence for “violating public modesty” was suspended by an appeals court on… More

Nguyn Huu Vinh and Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy

Nguyen Huu Vinh & Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy | Status: Released | Vietnam

On March 23, 2016, the People’s Court of Hanoi sentenced Nguyen Huu Vinh to five years in prison under Article 258 (2) of Vietnam’s Penal Code for “abusing democratic… More

Ahmet Sik

Ahmet Şik | Status: On Trial | Turkey

Ahmet Şık is an investigative journalist and writer dedicated to reporting on human rights abuses and government actions in Turkey. He was charged on December 30, 2016, with disseminating… More

Khadija Ismayilova | Status: Conditional Release | Azerbaijan

Khadija Ismayilova is an award-winning freelance reporter who has worked for various Azeri-, Russian-, and English-language news outlets. More

Mykola Semena

Mykola Semena | Status: Released | Ukraine

Mykola Semena was convicted under the “separatist” Article 280.1 of the Russian Criminal Code, for publicly denouncing the Kremlin’s annexation of Crimea. He was handed a 2-year suspended sentence.… More

Necmiye Alpay

Necmiye Alpay | Status: Released | Turkey

Necmiye Alpay is a Turkish translator, editor, journalist and staunch defender of free expression More

Ilham Tohti | Status: Imprisoned | China

Ilham Tohti, a Uyghur economist, writer, and professor, is currently serving a life sentence for promoting ethnic harmony and understanding. More

Shamsuzzoha Manik

Shamsuzzoha Manik | Status: Under Threat | Bangladesh

Bangladeshi translator, writer, editor, and publisher More

Stanislav Aseyev

Stanislav Aseyev | Status: Released | Ukraine

Ukrainian journalist Stanislav Aseyev, who writes under the pen name Vasin, was captured by Russian-supported rebels on June 2, 2017. Aseyev was based in the separatist-controlled city of Donetsk and… More