A Prayer for Clytemnestra

I had been told that you would come back. I woke with the knowledge of that. But among the gods now there is no one who oversees my actions… More

Prayer Before Dying

Let the oceans be still or roar, as they always have. Please let the world go on as it always has, so that my children will know that only… More


If my mother’s right and Allah exists, he would surely only understand Arabic and wouldn’t bother to read my writings in Hebrew. If God can read Hebrew, then apparently… More

Dog Who Bore a Star

I am the happiness of the world, I am immortal, and today would have been the best day in my life if my dog hadn’t died, which I consider… More

On Not Being Bezosed

As an American novelist from the beachside resort of Denver I don’t enjoy the prestige and power of a Malayalam poet from Madras or a Mandarin novelist from Macau. More

French Surveillance Bill Threatens Free Expression, Privacy

New counter-terrorism legislation passed by the lower house of the French Parliament today would dramatically expand the government’s surveillance powers and directly conflicts with France’s international legal commitments to… More