On Translating Pavel Srut

The emergence of these poems after a decade of silence attests to the endurance of the imagination and Pavel’s liberation from his self-imposed exile in the metaphorical ghetto. They… More

Remember Tal

Two years ago today, Tal al-Mallouhi, a student, poet, and blogger who was detained in Damascus in late December 2009, was sentenced to five years in prison for “divulging… More

Manifesto: 1942

Because we hate you, you and your reasonableness, we stick to our / precocious dementia, our flaming folly, our stubborn cannibalism.... More

Inching Toward Accountability?

Last week's confirmation hearing for John Brennan offered a small, and not especially satisfying, exercise in public accountability. But at least some of the big questions were asked. More

from Hoshruba (Volume 1)

It was reported that the populace and army of the City of Purple Poppy had gathered outside the city walls. Mahrukh Magic-Eye fell upon them with her entire force.… More

A Lunar New Year in Flames

The Lunar New Year begins this weekend, but in Tibet, where 86 Tibetans have self-immolated in the last year as a last-ditch effort to be heard, celebrations will be… More

Manifesto: 1920s

The ordinary Negroes hadn't heard of the Negro Renaissance. And if they had, it hadn't raised their wages any. More