
“Mock burials, my idea. Cover the prisoner’s head and lay him in a box. Throw in bugs for effect. Pour soil on top. Adult men revert to infants.” She… More

Two Poems by Frances Richard

there is no end / there is no end / one version of this only creates happiness / earth-movers across the street / festooned with colored ribbon while demolishing… More

Three Poems by Mary Hickman

In the photos, he’s sixteen. His horse stands with loose reins by an alpine lake. The water looks less like water than sky, and even in the heat of… More

Self Timer

You can tell when a photograph was taken by a missing person. At once the room is draftier, an open warning. Since they’re not here, those in the photograph… More

Seven Poems by Valerie Hsiung

(I am withholding something / frightening, holy, foolhardy, strange, / loving, excruciating, vital, unknown, / rejuvenating, transient, natural, old) // like a free will / like nowhere to go More

The Country of Planks

No one is the homeland, was the / apparent scream of the blind planks / in the dead homeland of the sea // This is how the chilean prisons… More