Conquering Displacement With Words

When he was just 22, the Spanish-Argentine writer Andrés Neuman was anointed by no less a luminary than the Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño, who had a discriminating eye for… More

A Higher Level of Solitude

Sarajevo Airport. The prettiest little airport in Europe. Little waiting rooms, little people, big suitcases. The new year has just begun. People are returning from holidays in the old… More

The Burglary

Electoral politics were manipulated to defeat candidates the director did not like. Even mild dissent, in the eyes of the FBI, could make an American worthy of being spied… More

Into the Go-Slow

Cars flew by. The boy and the man both waved. The man cupped his hands to his mouth and yelled something that got lost to the wind. Cars passed… More


Conrad imagined walking through the trees below: the leafy, springy duff, soft underfoot. The clean aromatic tang of balsam, flecks of sunlight scattered across the dim trunks. More

Concerto for Jerusalem

For so long I’ve begged bread to criticize salt. Many times, I’ve heard people ask me, whispering, “Why is death always late in Jerusalem, … More

In the Light of What We Know

My professional life has been spent in finance, a business concerned with fine points, such as the small movement in exchange rates on which the fate of millions of… More