Talking to Ourselves

. . . in short, advice isn’t much use, if you disagree with it you don’t listen, and if you already agree you don’t need it, never trust advice,… More

Recommended Events

AN EVENING WITH JOSEF WINKLERTuesday, April 29 at 7:30pmAustrian Cultural Forum, 11 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022Join acclaimed Austrian author Josef Winkler and special guests at this unique… More


It didn't occur to me that the seeming ordinariness of its ability to meet my every need, to be just the place that I wanted, one evening after another,… More

Across the Rooftops

In my evil dreams I had seen myself approach her with lascivious intent—with a cold thin cruel sexual mouth just parted slight-ways—and I went deep then to find a… More

Letter to Europe

to see the web that your rivers / have created, like lines on the / palm of a hand. From these, fol- / lowing the Rhine and the /… More

A Philosophy of Walking

In departures on foot there is always something final which is lacking from other forms of transport that make it possible to turn back, where nothing is irreversible. And… More