Seven Poems by Valerie Hsiung

(I am withholding something / frightening, holy, foolhardy, strange, / loving, excruciating, vital, unknown, / rejuvenating, transient, natural, old) // like a free will / like nowhere to go More

PEN / Guernica at Lit Crawl NYC – 9/14

In support of the PEN/Guernica Flash Series, the PEN Poetry Series, and Guernica's poetry series, we're teaming up poets, novelists, flash writers, staffers, and editors from both organizations for… More

The Country of Planks

No one is the homeland, was the / apparent scream of the blind planks / in the dead homeland of the sea // This is how the chilean prisons… More

On Translating Raúl Zurita

Zurita knew from firsthand experience what it was like to be imprisoned under the dictatorship. One of the poems in “The Country of Planks” is named after the… More

Another Door

It’s simple enough to completely plow me over. / Some static in the radio’s belly, a sandwich / aglow in an empty room, love letters without / margins, and… More

Appeals from the Senseless

I’ll flood the courts with my appeals. / I’ll complain about my prison meals. // Here’s another thing I refuse to see. / The courts are slow because of… More

People I Know

They are girls in buffalo stances, / that dance for men they hate, / who even sometimes hate themselves, / but still paint the pain on in the morning… More