
You had to buy a good monkey, to know where it came from, for at least five years of guaranteed love, you had to know what it had or… More


The next time you are with a girl, it feels like the house you grew up in except all the doors have moved. You know what’s inside but you… More

Killing Stones

Stone was but stone, and marble belonged to the hills, they said. The patient carving and chiseling of men long gone would not remain to remind us that we… More

Salt on the Tongue

Perhaps she needed to find the right place to love. After the birches, behind the burning and scattered leaves, laughter was looking at her upside down. Someone said you… More

The Scab

With perfect provocation, I still refuse to turn. Why trade my world for the one they’ve relentlessly prepared and preferred for me, hour after hour, day after day? More


The cart was gaining momentum. My friend nudged me, said, "Your mother is waving," but I was biting, savoring the burst of red honey on my tongue. More


But I was not a destroyer of worlds. Not really. I had destroyed one world, singular, and it was just a very small one. I hadn’t even meant to… More