Mother and Daughter

But then there are daughters who become mothers, confusing the story because as mothers they remain, by definition, also daughters. How do they know which they are? More

Deer in the Woods

“You therefore ought to put some thought into what happiness means to you,” the German said turning towards me, ”Deer in the woods? Or deer on the plate?”… More

And a Lie

I told the police I had fallen asleep at the wheel, but really, I saw them coming and swerved toward them on an impulse, just to see what it… More

Axe Wound

Snatch. Slit. Box. Words were too dense now. They sat thick on tongues. You had to figure out the right way to say them or you’d choke. More

View on an Accident

Yesterday on that same corner, a young man on a motorcycle was hit by a car. I heard it happen: the familiar shriek of tire on asphalt, the crunch… More

An Odd Bird

Amal didn’t see when they took her mother away. She closed herself in her mother’s bedroom and smelled the lilac on her mother’s pillow until the sounds of the… More

Um Girassol da Cor do Seu Cabelo

Sometimes you have to stare a hundred times before an image sticks, before you understand half of what’s hidden there, still living, behind the snapshot. Uncle Pedro used to… More


Your hands swiped gently up at the sky as you named the constellations, each syllable a puff of white smoke into the cold. I could already see the faces… More