China’s Nobels

PEN American Center's Larry Siems and translator Jeffrey Yang on Liu Xiaobo, Mo Yan, and Liu Xia. More


Sometimes the United States is worthy of the respect to which this emulation entitles it; sometimes not. Where not—as in the question of waterboarding, discussed later—I endeavor to say… More

On William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying

While ideological book banning is infuriating, banning out of ignorance and vague religiosity are, to me, even more galling. William Faulkner’s classic, As I Lay Dying, has been banned… More

On Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita

Say that Lolita is hilarious and excruciating and sad—no novel ever had a sadder last line—but not boring, surely. We throb with the miserable Humbert as he creeps across… More