On Translating Zahia Rahmani

When I first discovered Rahmani’s work in 2009, I was ignorant of the Harki identity—I had never even heard the term. Gripped by the author’s sense of urgency… More

On Translating Raúl Zurita

Zurita knew from firsthand experience what it was like to be imprisoned under the dictatorship. One of the poems in “The Country of Planks” is named after the… More

Murder is Murder

Murder is typically a desperate crime committed by desperate people who typically don’t think or care about the punishment options they might face if they are caught. More

Prison Diary

How can I communicate what it is like to get arrested when you have one four month old daughter and a second daughter on the way, and then be… More

Writing in Another Language

As unrest continues in Turkey, we revisit Elif Shafak’s thoughts on her experience of transitioning to English from her native tongue and rediscovering the richness of an extinct Turkish… More

Obama’s Surveillance State

The trauma of the wrongly accused is not the only damage wrought by massive and intrusive surveillance; these programs may also harm those who are watched accidentally and mindlessly… More