Mumia and the Multitudes

A graphic short story by new Illustrated PEN guest editor Seth Tobocman on the case of Mumia Abu Jamal, who was sentenced to death in 1982 for the murder… More


In the early 20th century White went undercover, posing as a white man in the deep south to investigate lynchings. More

Not Funny Ha-Ha

There were women of all ages, colors, backgrounds. Some looked scared, some were chatting with other women. Some were silent. More

Next World Tarot

A visual spectacle of both the battle cry and the reconnection between outcasts and their criminalized identities. More


I remember that horrible feeling on election night, when it became clear things were rapidly going south. More

Weekend After

I grew up in the deep south during segregation. It was the worst racism and discrimination. But we fought and we didn’t let ourselves become hopeless. More


Is there anyone with any actual power who will stand up for us? Any Republicans with a shred of conscience? Any democrats with a shred of spine? More

Precious Time

There’s nothing like losing your country when you’re little to help you see NATIONALISM as the strange and unnatural thing that it is. More