Danat Namazbaev

Namazbaev is a blogger and online commentator who uses Facebook to express/post political opinion commentary that is critical of Russia. He was arrested with Marghulan Bornabai in 2020. He… More

Marghulan Boranbai

Boranbai is an online commentator who is often critical of Russia. He was arrested on January 28, 2020, and tried for "inciting ethnic hatred" and "incitement to usurp power… More

Ermek Taichibekov

Initially detained in 2017 for pro-Russian comments online and released after serving less than 2 years of his sentence, online commentator Taichibekov was rearrested in September 2020. He was… More

Aigul Otepova

Blogger Otepova was placed under house arrest in September 2020 and accused of supporting the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan (DVK), labelled an extremist movement. She was forcibly brought to… More

Alnur Ilyashev

Detained in April 2020, Ilyashev was sentenced in June to three years of restricted freedom and a five year ban on political activism for Facebook posts criticizing the Kazakh… More

Writers at Risk Database

Bigeldy Gabdullin

President of the Kazakh PEN Club, Gabdullin was detained in November 2016 after a career of criticizing government officials in the media. He pled guilty to charges of extortion… More

Writers at Risk Database

Aron Atabek Aron Yedigheev

Activist, writer, and publisher Atabek was convicted in 2007 of organizing mass disorder and killing a police officer, charges unsupported by sound testimony. While serving his 18 year prison… More

Bigeldy Gabdullin | Status: Conditional Release | Kazakhstan

Bigeldy Gabdullin, journalist and President of the Kazakh PEN Club, was detained on November 15, 2016, and formally arrested on November 16, on charges of extortion. The international community… More

Ill Poet Beaten in Prison

PEN is deeply concerned by reports that the imprisoned poet Aron Atabek, who is in ill health, has been tortured and otherwise ill-treated by prison guards. More