

The unchecked spread of the falsehoods threaten democracy.

It’s an election year, and disinformation is in the news once again. Unfortunately, these escalating threats to our democracy come at a time when social media platforms have scaled back their content moderation programs, and aggressive legal and legislative pressure from politicians has put a chill on counter-disinformation research and coordination

This moment calls for innovative approaches to tackling false information, and PEN America is ready to support journalistspolicy makers, and communities across the country.

What You Need to Know

The goals of disinformation campaigns are to smear an opponent for political gain, damage trust in our election system, and mobilize or suppress voter participation.

Technological advances like generative AI have made it easier than ever to produce and distribute deceptive content.

We believe that an empowered public and vibrant news ecosystem are the best means of countering disinformation’s pernicious effects.

Facts Forward: Helping Journalists Fight Disinformation

PEN America has developed resources to help journalists detect, monitor, and report on disinformation and build greater trust with their communities. 

Facts Forward Interview Series

This series features journalists and experts with extensive experience in navigating political and other forms of disinformation in order to provide best practices, insights into how to identify and counter disinformation, case studies, and other tips from practitioners.

  • The ‘Truth Sandwich’ and 11 Other Ways to Combat Election Misinformation with your Reporting 

    Thursday September 5
  • ‘I came from a country where we lost democracy’: What drives Tamoa Calzadilla’s commitment to facts

    Thursday August 29
  • How a Washington Post health reporter navigates covering falsehoods

    Wednesday August 21

View all Facts Forward Interviews >>

Latest Blogs

  • The ‘Truth Sandwich’ and 11 Other Ways to Combat Election Misinformation with your Reporting 

    Thursday September 5
  • Anatomy of a Misinformation Campaign: Olympic Boxing Edition

    Thursday August 8
  • What We’re Doing about Disinformation in 2024

    Wednesday July 24

Counter-Disinformation Resources

PEN America’s primer for news consumers on spotting and combating disinformation when news breaks

The following guidelines can help you spot and combat disinformation More >>

Guide: How to Build Relationships with Local Journalists, According to Journalists

78% of adults have never even spoken to a journalist. To help address this missed opportunity, PEN America surveyed journalists… More >>

Guide: Combating Campus Protest Mis/Disinformation

Mis- and disinformation are spreading in the wake of the growing wave of protests on college and university campuses over… More >>

On-Demand Webinars

How to Build Relationships with Journalists Covering Your Community
How Cognitive Biases Make Us Vulnerable to Disinformation – and What We Can Do about It
How journalists can combat political disinformation in a world of echo chambers and deepfakes

Our Experts