The Game for Real

In both its stylistic pyrotechnics and psychological intensity, The Game for Real is the crowning achievement of Richard Weiner’s career and one of the most powerful works of Czech… More


With this translation, Beals introduces English-language readers to a sui generis early twentieth-century Swiss writer. Her sad and haunted voice is like no other—harsh and delicate; acrid and violet-scented.… More

Manhattan Tropics

Manhattan Tropics is the first novel of the Puerto Rican mass-migration to New York City, offering a panorama of mid-century life in El Barrio. Maney's translation deftly captures the… More

Chistopol Notebook

Though Tarkovsky is one of Russia's greatest poets of the twentieth century—on the ranks with Mandelstam, Akhmatova, and Brodsky—he remains little-known in the West. Philip Metres's and Dimitri Psurtsev's… More