grass cooling my temples / i thought of miklos / how all i wanted was to / hold miklos / bodies on top of / bodies he wanted /… More

Annalogue on Oranges

that even a dog has more rights to run free. but that oranges glimmer. so as not to be slurped up by dog-tongue. excuse-moi, dog. excuse-moi, docteur. can he… More


The expression ripples out from her eyes. She squints, then opens them wide, teeth gritted and a gasp. More

The PEN Ten with Nathan Deuel

When you've lived and worked in places where writing can get you killed, where the act of telling the truth can take down powers, it's hard to have anything… More

The PEN Ten with Uwem Akpan

If secondary school girls are being abducted for learning how to read and write, the whole enterprise of reading and writing is destroyed and a whole generation of girls… More

First Husband

He was close by and very eerie / He did not do the dishes / He retreated into our house / or he rode away in cabs / He… More

The PEN Ten with Lawrence Venuti

The translator ... bears an enormous responsibility, not just in relation to the source text, but in representing a foreign culture. Translations can create or strengthen stereotypes of foreign… More

Recommended Reading: Literary Sports Writing

These works of literary sports writing discuss much more than games. Award judges Joel Drucker, Chad Harbach, and Jackie MacMullan have chosen the following nine titles for the PEN/ESPN… More