Ann Tenna

We feature an excerpt by Marissa Acocella Marchetto, a cartoonist for The New Yorker, from her upcoming graphic novel Ann Tenna, set in the bizarre world of New York-based… More

Pledge of Allegiance

To Wall / Street, which saw / across the continent plot / by plot & which brought / west ledgers. // The discovery / of writing, Lévi-Strauss says, begets… More

The PEN Ten with Sonia Guiñansaca

"Erasure happens when it comes to the history/lives/contribution/resistance/survival of people of color in America, and so with my pen I make sure that they exist and are remembered in… More

Two Poems by Ben Mirov

Master of fine art? More like paper / airplane disaster factory. // Gerard Manley Hopkins? / More like a clod of Earth flung skyward / towards God's stupid face. More


You can scream, you can holla, you can yell, you can shout! / It won’t change a thing, they not letting us out. More

The PEN Ten with Dunya Mikhail

"When I came to America, I found that censorship had no home on the ground, but it was somehow in the air, implicit. Speech here is usually restricted to… More


Each one I held lightly in my palm—blowing on it to see it quiver, examining its ridges, squeezing it until the shell was as warm as my skin. Then… More

Two Poems by Morgan Parker

Why did you come here. What do you want. Are you filming this. Do you live in this neighborhood. Do you feel comfortable. Can I ask is that a… More

The PEN Ten with Stephanie Kuehn

"...there are plenty of adults who feel young adult literature requires hope. I feel differently, which goes back to truth-telling. I believe teens deserve uncomfortable truths." More