Last Sext

My thoughts of bellies and scythes. / And how to cut me out of me. / The vine of the mind and the heart and its sword. / And… More

The PEN Ten with Rigoberto González

Observation is posing interesting questions. Surveillance is getting specific answers. Only one of those is meant to be used against the private citizen. The line, then, depends entirely on… More

Fart Mart

All day long, as you sleep in the darkened room, you sweat through your shirt and the sheets and into the feather comforter and then awaken in a person-shaped… More

The Day

I want to say / Today // but today / it is The Day // that entered / in my face // I went there / on a sound… More

Dagger and Shield

“Shut the fuck up,” Mamma says to the man in her hard velvet way. “You’d know fat, slow, and stupid first hand.” He backhands Mamma and Jake makes a sound… More

Three Twitter Stories

An abandoned ark is cast upon the summit of Mount Ararat. There are no signs of disturbance on the ship—there is stale straw in the manger, and bowls of… More

Metal Devastation

We have to play while it’s still light out. I would have preferred pitch black, it’s more scenic, but this is ok, too, no problem. We’re a war machine,… More