Search Results for: Translation

Rolling Blackouts

Sarah Glidden’s Rolling Blackouts is ambitious comics journalism that, in the tradition of Joe Sacco’s The Fixer, attempts to unpack the embedded contradictions surrounding Americans reporting from the Middle… More

The Meanings of Yellow

Yellow has always caused me a certain amount of discomfort, perhaps because of its relation to sickness, to fear and despair. It also evokes power and the riches of… More

Night Walk

I think of everything there is that exists / and how little we know of it all / but mostly I think / of your sex / and your… More


A list of contributions to PEN American Center from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2011 follows. Contributors include PEN Members and Associate Members who contributed above membership dues, trustees,… More

Julia Sanches

Brazilian by birth, Julia Sanches has lived in the United States, Mexico, Switzerland, Scotland, and Catalonia. She translates from the Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, and French. Her translations have appeared… More