Search Results for: Egypt

Final Words: Book Banning Is Not Dead

In April of 2011, a visit with a close friend sparked the same question that was asked each time we were together: What are you working on now? I… More


Sometimes the United States is worthy of the respect to which this emulation entitles it; sometimes not. Where not—as in the question of waterboarding, discussed later—I endeavor to say… More

Kareem Amer | Status: Released | Egypt

Kareem Amer is an Egyptian blogger and former al-Azhyar University student known for his secular views and his critical writings about Islam and Egypt's highest religious authorities. His writings… More

Mohammed Abbou | Status: Released | Tunisia

Mohammed Abbou, an Internet writer, lawyer, and human rights activist, was arrested on March 1, 2005, for an article published on the Internet nine months earlier that denounced torture… More

Victoria Redel

Victoria Redel was born in New York, a first generation American of Belgian, Rumanian, Egyptian and Russian parentage. Redel is the author of three books of poetry and three books of… More

Mona Eltahawy

Mona Eltahawy is an Egyptian American freelance journalist and commentator. Her essays and op-eds on Egypt, the Islamic world, and women’s rights have appeared in The Washington Post, The New York Times,… More

Jack Rice

Jack Rice is a journalist and talk show host for Air America Radio. He is a former public defender, as well as a former Central Intelligence Agency Special Agent and Operations… More

André Aciman

André Aciman is the author of the novels Call Me By Your Name and Eight White Nights, the memoir Out of Egypt, and two collections of essays, Alibis and False Papers. He was born into a Jewish family in Alexandria where… More

On Memorial Day Weekend, America Reckons with Torture

[caption id="attachment_12717" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Sketch of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed by courtroom artist Janet Hamlin"][/caption] On this weekend's Moyers & Company (check local listings), PEN American Center's Larry Siems, author of… More