Search Results for: Egypt

Among the Splendors

As I read more of Adonis’s work over the years, in the original and in translation, I felt repeatedly that only a large of selection of work could give… More

Wide-Reading, Long-Seeing

As the war drums rumble louder, we might want to take a look, as we engage, at some Iranian poets, some of whom write about their country from within… More


A goddess as a child, a queen at eighteen, a celebrity soon thereafter, she was an object of speculation and veneration, gossip and legend, even in her own time.… More

The Warmth of Other Suns

There was no explaining to little James and Velma the stuffed bags and chaos and all that was at stake or why they had to put on their shoes… More

Essays from the Nick of Time

History resists an ending as surely as nature abhors a vacuum; the narrative of our days is a run-on sentence, every full stop a comma in embryo. But more:… More

PEN Appeal: Maikel Nabil Sanad

November 21, 2011 Director of Military Judiciary Major-General Ahmed Abd Allah Military Judicial Department Cairo, Egypt Fax: +202 2 402 4468 / +202 2 411 3452 Military General Attorney Major-General Medhat Radwan Military Judicial Department Cairo, Egypt +202… More

Hocus Bogus

There is no beginning. I was begotten—just like you—and since then I’ve been lumbered. More