Search Results for: Egypt

from “Muse & Drudge,” “Trimmings”

Swan neck, white shoulders, lumps of fat. A woman's face/above it all. Unriddled sphinx 'without secrets.' Alabaster/bust, paled into significance. Clothes opening, revealing/dress, as French comes into English. Suggestively,… More

The Stew of Discontent

Part of the perennial problem with the Texas prison system stems from an inherent comprehension deficit. To use an idea of Alexander Solzhenitsynts, it seems we’ve lost capacity for… More

2007 PEN Translation Fund

WinnersSusan Bernofsky, for her translation from the German of Robert Walser’s 1908 novel The Assistant, the melancholy and mischievously ironic story of a penniless young man who works for… More

Revolutionaries in the Arab World

This panel explores the sweeping political changes in the Arab world. Hear from experts and on-the-ground bloggers how social media and citizen journalism galvanize the revolution. In the borderless… More