Search Results for: book bans

What U.S. Publishers Owe China

In 1962, Chinese President Liu Shaoqi warned Mao Zedong: “History will record the role you and I played in the starvation of so many people, and the cannibalization will… More

Onslaught on Free Expression Intensifies in Turkey

In the latest onslaught on free expression, the government of Turkey made international headlines this month when it again went head-to-head with internet sites Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Google… More

To Encounter Ocean Power

I can’t shake the image of young students—the gears of their minds at work—as they watch and take account, assess what it means to pull books from shelves, set… More

This Week In Free Expression

It seems no one is free from the tightening noose on free expression. This week in free expression news, the U.S. joins China, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka in threats… More

Maya Angelou: 1928-2014

One of the most influential books written in English, Angelou’s transformative autobiography unleashed the genre of the American memoir to new possibilities. With 39 public bans since 1983 for… More