Search Results for: banned books

Law Chow Wong

Joshua Wong, Alex Chow, and Nathan Law | Status: Imprisoned | China/Hong Kong

Joshua Wong, Alex Chow, and Nathan Law are three prominent student activists who played a leading role in the 2014 Occupy Central Movement in Hong Kong. More

Galal El Behairy

Galal El-Behairy | Status: Imprisoned | Egypt

Galal El-Behairy is an Egyptian poet, lyricist, and activist who has been in detention in Tora Prison in Cairo since March 2018. More

Aung San Suu Kyi | Status: Detained | Myanmar

Aung San Suu Kyi is a writer and pro-democracy activist and daughter of Burma’s independence hero Aung San. More

Mamadali Mahmudov | Status: Deceased | Uzbekistan

Mamadali Mahmudov is a renowned Uzbek writer and opposition activist who was released in 2013 after serving a 14-year sentence on charges related to a series of explosions in… More