Search Results for: russia

In Conversation: Vladimir Sorokin and Keith Gessen

Vladimir Sorokin, considered by many to be the next Roberto Bolaño, is one of Russia's most accomplished and well-regarded novelists and dramatists. English translations of his masterpieces, Ice Trilogy… More

On Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago

Even under Stalin’s successor Khrushchev there was still no realistic hope of publishing the entire book. So in 1957 Pasternak finally allowed a manuscript (including the poems, published as… More

On Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita

Say that Lolita is hilarious and excruciating and sad—no novel ever had a sadder last line—but not boring, surely. We throb with the miserable Humbert as he creeps across… More

Ruslan Sharipov

Ruslan Sharipov | Status: Displaced/In Exile | Uzbekistan

Ruslan Sharipov was one of several dozen students chosen to participate in a government-sponsored exchange program with U.S. universities in the fall of 1999. When Uzbek authorities canceled that… More

Victoria Redel

Victoria Redel was born in New York, a first generation American of Belgian, Rumanian, Egyptian and Russian parentage. Redel is the author of three books of poetry and three books of… More